Thursday, February 19, 2009

Madelyn's Quilt

My youngest grandaughter, Madelyn turned 9 on Valentine's Day. I made her a quilt in her favorite colors, pink and purple, and since she was born on Valentine's Day, used fabric with hearts. I machine pieced and quilted it and quilted hearts here and there and quilted around some of the hearts in the various prints. She LOVED it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I will be teaching this bracelet at Art Unraveled in Phoenix in August. Yes, Phoenix in August. But, there is this new invention in buildings and vehicles called "air conditioning." Think about it. Phoenix in August: no big deal.

Venice and Florence

I am going to start posting pics from my trip to to Europe in April of 2007. The purpose was to take classes with Claudine Helmuth in Cortona, Italy. We spent the first week staying with Kate Murray of who lives about 50 kilometers northeast of Paris. We went to Brocantes (flea markets) and spent three full days in Paris. Then to Cortona for a week, and Florence for four days and Venice for five. What a trip!!! More postings on that from time to time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Charlie 6 weeks later.

Wow! Has he ever grown!!! The vet told me a week ago (for his first free visit since he was a rescue dog) that he is a Shepherd and boy does he ever "herd" Bitsy, my little 7 pound Kairn Terrier I have had for five years. They are finally becoming friends, but it took a while. He has more than quadrupled in 6 weeks ago. But I love him. First male dog I have ever had. He is very smart and funny.

First Robin

I'm BACK, hopefully to stay.

I'm BACK!!! I know, it is has been almost a year since I posted and I have promised myself and my friends that I would become more regular about this. So here goes...

I saw my first Robin of this year today. He was along the curb in front of my house and since it is still winter (ugh) the grass is still brown. But, it really lifted my spirits.

The reason I haven't posted in so long is that I really thought no one would ever even look at my blog. I was told by some friends that I was TOTALLY wrong. Hope they are RIGHT.